RFB Upcoming Shows - Date Revisions

From: "RFBMailingList" <MailList@radiofreebaltimore.com>
Subject: RFB Upcoming Shows - Date Revisions
Date: September 5th 2017

Thanks to everyone that came out to see us at Nick's on August 19th.  A great time was had by all (Bob is working on getting some more RFB shirts but you have to get to a show to get one).  We were sorry to be cancelled for FRF by the inclement weather bujt are hoping to be back next year as part of the 2018 lineup. 


A couple of words about upcoming RFB shows... Nicks contacted us and said that they were hosting a Country and Southern Rock bash the weekend of 9/22 so they needed to cancel our show on 9/23.  They did give us two additional dates (these are listed on our website and below). 

        9/23 - Cancelled

        10/7 - Added, Nick's Fish House (1pm to 5pm) - www.nicksfishhouse.com

        11/18 - Added, Nick's Fish House (6pm to 109pm) - www.nicksfishhouse.com

We are continuing to work our 2018 schedule and will post dates to our website (www.radiofreebaltimore.com) as we know them.

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