RFB at Nick's Fish House - Sat Oct 7 - 1pm to 5pm

From: "RFBMailingList" <MailList@radiofreebaltimore.com>
Subject: RFB at Nick's Fish House - Sat Oct 7 - 1pm to 5pm
Date: October 3rd 2017

Come join Radio Free Baltimore this Saturday at Nick's Fish House from 1pm to 5pm.  The menu and beverages are great and hopefully the weather will be as well.  It's a great way to start off your Saturday.

Also... mark your calendars... we'll be back at Nick's for our last show of the season on Saturday, November 18th from 6pm to 10pm.


Nick's Fish House

2600 Insulator Drive Baltimore, MD 21230; (410) 347-4123

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